RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Now a word from the Event Coordinator

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  • Sunday, August 07, 2016 5:05 PM | Deleted user

    I would thank the following for showing up today and sharing their afternoon!

    Louie Larson and his MB & MBT

    Steve Landgraf and his GPW

    Verne Nornholm and his GPW

    Verne Strehlow

    John Guerrero 

    Gary Nelson


    Jerry Counryman and their NAS Fleming Field MB

    Stan Novey and their US Navy Plymouth Staff Car

    Not only did the resident's and their Families show great interest the the display of vehicles we had laid out before them. But Katherine Tlougan and her staff treated us to some fine Root Beer Floats, along with a Swing Dance. Steve Landgraf found a fellow Marine (she is a cutie than and now) that worked in the Motor Pool back in War 2 in Cherry Point. Lots of War Stories were swapped!

  • Thursday, August 04, 2016 8:16 AM | Deleted user

    Please join us for (I believe) the 4th annual Prior Lake Maneuvers being held on Saturday, September 3, 2016. Attached is a flyer with further details.

    Hope to see you here. Please call if you should have any questions.

    If you don't have a vehicle to drive, contact John Bizal as he has a few spares and is always looking for qualified drivers.

    If I missed someone in this email, it is merely an oversight on my part, please pass the word.

    *Lastly, please RSVP so I can get a count for Saturday's BBQ. 

    Prior Lake Maneuvers

    September 3*, 2016

    Activities Commence at 9:00 AM (0900) to …

    Join us for the 4th     Annual Prior Lake   Maneuvers.


    19645 Hills of Claire Ave.

    Prior Lake, MN 55372

    For more details contact Mike at 612-840-1194

    Activities include: Coffee and Donuts, Roll Call, Convoy to Points of Interest, Mid-afternoon barbecue (Brats, Burgers, and beverages provided, please bring a dish to share).  

    *Military Encampment Sept. 2 & 3 on the lawn. Set-up on Friday afternoon. Morale support both nights with Movie and a light show. Contact me for more details.

  • Tuesday, August 02, 2016 4:48 PM | Deleted user

    We have firm Convoy Movement Orders from the Minnesota National Guard for this years Military Appreciation Day Expo! (click on the link below - if you have trouble please call me and I will email to you).

    Movement and Booth Layout as of 2AUG16.pptx

  • Saturday, July 30, 2016 6:11 PM | Deleted user

    We had a wonderful day weather wise (mostly overcast in the mid to upper 70s in the AM the clouds parted for part of the afternoon may of reached the 80, with a slight breeze all day. But it manage to rain fell just around dinner time). 

    There was only two of us for the convoy down to Camp Hastings this morning (Louie and I). Uneventful trip down there nice drive down thru the old defunk Badger Arsenal. Louie stated that his MB was reading a little warm running down there, but felt it my be due the older radiator (he'll change that out, and should be good to go).

    Lee Larson brought his M715 and managed score a M101 3/4 ton trailer, to take home (nice project for him).

    Don Gunderson brought his M416 1/4 ton trailer and a generator (sorry didn't catch the norm. for it). The good news is the Generator, is for sale.

    We would like to Thank CAF for the loan of the M37 next to our tent!

    Photos are posted on FaceBook!

  • Tuesday, July 26, 2016 11:41 AM | Deleted user

    I have been informed that if want good choice of display spots, we should get there before 0730! Just a suggestion.

    Than again Louie, has another plan. Meet in the parking lot south of the McDonalds at Nicollet Ave S & American Blvd W in Bloomington, Minnesota at 0800! Than convoy down as a unit to Camp Hastings.

  • Saturday, July 23, 2016 12:28 PM | Deleted user

    Well we had a turn out, in spite of of the weather today 4 brave souls showed up as follows:

    Eric - M37

    David - Land Rover Ambulance

    Marv - M151A2 (a new member 1st show with us)

    Lynn - CUCV II

    Plus Lobo the Dog, ok he had 4 legs...

    We ended up calling the show due to thunder, lighting and the rain! But there is always next year!

    Thank you all for showing up, Photos on Face Book for viewing straight away! But my come out on the web pages soon!

  • Thursday, July 21, 2016 3:48 PM | Deleted user

    We can have up to 8 Vehicles (Red Bulls) - 2 (CAF) in the machinery hill area.

    Parade staging area 3 to 4 Vehicles (CAF). There is no good logistical way to get vehicles from Machinery Hill to the start of the Parade. 

    Red Bulls will get 16 adult gate passes.

    Vehicles will meet out on Energy Parkway (Details to follow) at 0600 [6 AM for those have not learn to tell time]. Than proceed by convoy into the fairgrounds. I have asked if we can park where we were last year, from the Minnesota National Guard on that corner (under the shade trees)!

    Vehicles may depart after 1600 (4 PM).

    Stay tune for more details...

  • Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:04 PM | Deleted user

    AirExpo 2016 is located in the new South Hangar Area at Flying Cloud Airport. Please disregard signs you may see for AirExpo Parking; they are intended for the general public only. Instead, vendors will be entering and leaving the show grounds through Gate J on the southwest side of the airport. The best way to reach this gate is southbound on Flying Cloud Drive (County Hwy 61), proceed past the Control Tower Entrance

    to the next signal light, and turn north onto Charlson Road.

    Follow Charlson Road about 0.4 miles to Gate J, turn right, and you are at the Vendor/Exhibitor Entrance.

    If you have not received your show credentials, they will be issued Friday when you set up.

    REMINDER: Absolutely no set-up is allowed on Saturday. 

    For Saturday arrangements have been made to go in gate 'A' (off of Flying Cloud Dr than follow directions, from ground crew), between 0730 and 0830!

    Questions please call 

    Phil Fisher 612-216-5514

  • Friday, July 08, 2016 8:26 PM | Deleted user

    This just come to my attention. 

    A 50 mile loop with a great group of Vets.

    Starting (and ending) point is the Anoka County Airport - North End

    see patriot ride web site for further details (click on url below)!

    - Vinatage Aircraft Flyover
    - Registergration 0900 - 1130
    - Fees (Drivers - $35.00 Riders - $10.00)

    - Ride Starts at Noon

  • Tuesday, July 05, 2016 8:19 PM | Deleted user

    News from the "State Fair Military Appreciation Day Expo (30 Aug 2016)", from this afternoons Conference Call with Minnesota National Guard HQ.

    - We have to have a count of MV and people going be COB 10 Aug 2016, so fair tickets can be ordered!

    - Muster at Gate 18 at 0630 - to drive in and set up near the Expo Place (same place we parked last year)

    - Minnesota National Guard is checking into the Logistical nightmare of getting MVs down from the Expo Place to the Parade starting point (may have to have two sets of MV displays).

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