RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Camp Hastings

Saturday, July 30, 2016 6:11 PM | Deleted user

We had a wonderful day weather wise (mostly overcast in the mid to upper 70s in the AM the clouds parted for part of the afternoon may of reached the 80, with a slight breeze all day. But it manage to rain fell just around dinner time). 

There was only two of us for the convoy down to Camp Hastings this morning (Louie and I). Uneventful trip down there nice drive down thru the old defunk Badger Arsenal. Louie stated that his MB was reading a little warm running down there, but felt it my be due the older radiator (he'll change that out, and should be good to go).

Lee Larson brought his M715 and managed score a M101 3/4 ton trailer, to take home (nice project for him).

Don Gunderson brought his M416 1/4 ton trailer and a generator (sorry didn't catch the norm. for it). The good news is the Generator, is for sale.

We would like to Thank CAF for the loan of the M37 next to our tent!

Photos are posted on FaceBook!

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