Q: This looks like a really cool green group. How can I join?
A: We'd love to meet you and have you join our gang green. Go to the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION area (along the left-hand navigational bar, toward the bottom) and fill out an application if you are a new member. We have both Personal Memberships and Business Memberships available. If you want to join as a Business Member, you will get a great mention in our LINKS area with a description of your business and a link to your business site as well, as a inclusion into our periodic newsletters. Once you fill out the application, you'll be directed to an address to mail your check. Once we receive it, we will approve you and send a welcome note. Dues are due January 1st for the same year's membership. In the future, you will be able to pay your dues online using your credit card.
Currently, we have most categories on the site accessible to all -- so folks can get a feel for how collaborative we've tried to make it. In the next few months, we will be changing that and many areas of the site will become available to only members including the Forum, Newsletter, Member Directory, Member Polls, Email Event Alerts and other sections.
Q: Do you pro-rate your memberships?
A: No. The cost of membership is extremely nominal for the ROF (return on fun). As an organization completely run by volunteers, managing dues with a pro-rated system would make us crazier than we already are. We are all about green fun, not work.
Q: I'm an existing Red Bull member but have never logged onto the application. What should I do?
A: Log in using the last email address you may have given us when you initially joined and use that in the ID section and then use "forgot password" feature to obtain new password. When you receive your temp password then login again, change password to whatever you'd like in the Member Directory section and update your profile. You can also update your email address here as well. If you cannot log on with current or older email address then please forward your old and new information via email so we can update manually.
Note: If you reasonably sure you've been a Red Bull member in the past, please login using a previous email or use last name so a duplicate account (New Member) is not created.
Q. I've been a Red Bull member for a really long time. How come my membership shows only from 12-31-08?
A: We needed to have a cut-over date for the new online system and we decided the best date for all members would be the end of last year.
Q: How do I login for the first time after receiving my activation/payment notice?
A: Login with your email address in the ID section and then use "forgot password" feature to obtain new temporary password. Then login again using temp password and update your profile and change password to whatever you'd like in the Member Directory section. You can also update your email address here as well. If you cannot log on with current or older email address than please forward your old (and new) information so we can update manually. Please pass this info on to any members or non-members, as we need to get the word out about the new system.
Q: I can't post in the Forum area or get errors when doing so. What shall I do?
A: Assuming that you have signed into the site using your email and password, this is almost always a browser issue. You need to enable "javascript" in your web browser setting, be it, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Opera.
If you've enabled "javascript" and are still having an issue, the problem might be in expired javascript libraries. In IE, reload the page (use Ctrl+F5) or if it does not help, clear browser cache (Tools / General / Browsing history - Delete... / Temporary Internet Files - Delete Files). In Firefox: (Menu - Tools / Clear private data... - select Cache option in the dialog and press OK) then reload page again. A tool I highly recommend is CCleaner. This can be downloaded as a shareware (be sure it's from a reputable site) but do so at your own risk. It keeps your cache and other temp areas of your computer squeeky clean.