RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Wings of the North - Flying Cloud Airport - Eden Prairie, Mn

Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:04 PM | Deleted user

AirExpo 2016 is located in the new South Hangar Area at Flying Cloud Airport. Please disregard signs you may see for AirExpo Parking; they are intended for the general public only. Instead, vendors will be entering and leaving the show grounds through Gate J on the southwest side of the airport. The best way to reach this gate is southbound on Flying Cloud Drive (County Hwy 61), proceed past the Control Tower Entrance

to the next signal light, and turn north onto Charlson Road.

Follow Charlson Road about 0.4 miles to Gate J, turn right, and you are at the Vendor/Exhibitor Entrance.

If you have not received your show credentials, they will be issued Friday when you set up.

REMINDER: Absolutely no set-up is allowed on Saturday. 

For Saturday arrangements have been made to go in gate 'A' (off of Flying Cloud Dr than follow directions, from ground crew), between 0730 and 0830!

Questions please call 

Phil Fisher 612-216-5514

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