RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

May, 2024


Letter from the president and welcome New Board Members.

Greetings fellow Red Bull members. I hope everyone had a great winter and are looking forward to an event filled summer and fall.

Saturday, May 4, 2024 we held our annual meeting at Wayne Mincke garage.  If you were unable to attend, we discussed the meeting agenda, Shelley Landgraf's treasurer report was reviewed and approved.  John Guerrero is going to order name tags/membership cards for paid members.  John will also be ordering T-shirts for sale to members and others.  Paul Schwartz and myself are working on a newsletter/event email that will make access to the website and specific events easier to view and register for. The subject of having the meetings held over the Internet for those that are unable to attend was brought up.  Please reply if you would like to be added to the list of viewing the meeting on your computers.

Stay tuned for more information. We reviewed several of our successful outings from last year, including Woodberry Memorial Day Event, Camp Ripley open house and Joe Remley’s yellow ribbon project. Joe was instrumental in providing food/snack packages for our Red Bull National Guard deployment last fall. Great work, Joe R. Thank you.

Lastly, John Varner provided an update on the MVPA National Convoy/Jefferson Highway October 2024. Our local affiliate will be coordinating and joining the national convoy at Camp Ripley then onto Mason City Iowa on October 4 through October 9.  Stay tuned for more information on this event. I encourage everyone to participate in as many parades and local events as possible this summer.  The more we are out there the more we will be recognized.  We are also there to support the local American Legion, VFW and local communities as possible.

Closing note, be sure to submit photos of your events to John Guerrero so we can post them on the website and Facebook.

That’s it for now.  Keep in touch and contact me if you have any questions or thoughts and ideas on how we can build on our brand.

PS:  Remember to forward this to people in your address book to help grow membership and promote donations.  A Tax free donation.

Board of Directors changes:

Dan Riewer replaced Steve Ellis on the Board.  Thank you Steve for your past work and we welcome Dan for stepping up.

Member at large Mark Fisher, events coordinator is also replaced. Paul Schwartz agreed to step in as the new events coordinator.  Looking forward to your leadership role Paul.  Thank you both!

Rick Opitz, Secretary will be replaced by Shelley Landgraf our current treasurer, now fulfilling a double duty.  Rick pass on your meeting notes to Shelley.  Thank you Shelly and thank you Rick.

Rick/ Shelley please turn in the previous meeting notes, so we can publish them as soon as possible.

Thank you to all for your service to the Group. Anyone wishing to become a board member please reach out to myself or any other board member.

Member's forum

Check out our new way to communicate with fellow members. Sign into the website click on members chat forum then click on create topic or reply to topic. You can see there are several postings, so you’ll get the idea. You need to sign in to see it.

Try it here, Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Association - Chatting with the President here ( I know there have been complaints in the past about lack of communication amongst the group. I really think this is the solution. If anyone has any other ideas, please let us know.  Remember to subscribe to the channel for updates.


We will have four signature events supported by more regional events. Our first event will be our annual meeting.

If anyone has any topic, they would like to discuss please let any of the board members or myself know.

A big shout out to Wayne for hosting this annual event AGAIN!  Hats off.

Regional event strategy

I am proposing in an effort to get more activities that we divide the metro area into four quadrants northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest. Each region or quadrant will have an event coordinator to reach out to local communities and organizations for the Red Bull to participate in their events.

I will coordinate the northwest quadrant, Joe Remley has agreed to coordinate the northeast quadrant. We need someone to step up for the southeast quadrant and another for the southwest quadrant.  Join in, we need your new ideas no matter where you live.

Lastly, we have added in excess of 4 new members in the last year. This was done by simply being in the community with our vehicles and signing people up.

Red Bull Events are posted.

As usual, feedback is appreciated as long as you keep it constructive.

Please reach out to me:

Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Association

Group President.

Eric Thompson

Thank you to everyone and carry on! 

PS:  Convoy details coming

If anyone else has additional events they attended, please let me know and we will get it out.

Carry on.

Thanking you all for your attention,

Copyright © Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Assoc. 2000-2025