RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Wings of the North air expo flying Cloud Airport

  • Saturday, July 22, 2023
  • 8:00 AM
  • Sunday, July 23, 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • 14857 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie, MN 55347


  • Wings of the North,
    14857 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie, MN 55347

Registration is closed

Wings of the North air expo
Flying Cloud Airport
Save the DATE

Air Expo Flying Cloud Airport.  Click photo!

I have spoken with the Director and they are all in on us attending. The announcement should read as follows

Wings of the North Air Expo

July 22-July 23

Flying cloud airport

Eden Prarie MN.

Save the Date, Details to follow.

For those of you that are coming for the Air Expo Flying Cloud this weekend July 22. We will meet at Grace Church

9301 Eden Prarie Rd. Eden Prairie Minnesota at 0830 we will have a mile or two Convoy into Flying Cloud Airport.

The organizers want us onto the field by 0900 so be prompt.

Call Eric with questions

Eric Thompson

I will have my MV there both days. Reserve the dates as we need six vehicles. We need you!

More to follow, any questions reach out to me.

Thanks gang!

Eric Thompson


PS:  please subscribe to the chat forum so you can post and communicate. The more communication we can push out through this the better! 

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Copyright © Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Assoc. 2000-2024