RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

4th Annual Prior Lake Maneuvers 2016

Thursday, August 04, 2016 8:16 AM | Deleted user

Please join us for (I believe) the 4th annual Prior Lake Maneuvers being held on Saturday, September 3, 2016. Attached is a flyer with further details.

Hope to see you here. Please call if you should have any questions.

If you don't have a vehicle to drive, contact John Bizal as he has a few spares and is always looking for qualified drivers.

If I missed someone in this email, it is merely an oversight on my part, please pass the word.

*Lastly, please RSVP so I can get a count for Saturday's BBQ. 

Prior Lake Maneuvers

September 3*, 2016

Activities Commence at 9:00 AM (0900) to …

Join us for the 4th     Annual Prior Lake   Maneuvers.


19645 Hills of Claire Ave.

Prior Lake, MN 55372

For more details contact Mike at 612-840-1194

Activities include: Coffee and Donuts, Roll Call, Convoy to Points of Interest, Mid-afternoon barbecue (Brats, Burgers, and beverages provided, please bring a dish to share).  

*Military Encampment Sept. 2 & 3 on the lawn. Set-up on Friday afternoon. Morale support both nights with Movie and a light show. Contact me for more details.


  • Thursday, September 01, 2016 6:59 PM | Deleted user
    The Prior Lake Maneuvers as we know then have been cancelled, read below.

    John Bizal <>
    5:37 PM (1 hour ago)

    to Dan, Mike, John, Gary, Paul, Al, Al, dan, Michael, Daniel, John, Joe, johnvarner1, Jackie, John, Paul, patrick, ryan, Louie, Matt, Gary, garynelsonjeep, me, me, Steve
    Attention all participants of the PL Maneuvers. There has been a family emergency in the Dyer family. I am not at liberty to discuss the details at this time. Mike has asked me to e mail you all
    and CANCEL the plans for his place over the weekend.

    Now, having said that. We can still put together an event at the Bizal Ranch. Since this is short notice, I do not have any plans made. If any of you would like to move the event here, please respond
    right away. We can impromptu a convoy and move the dinner here. The mosquitos are quite bad all over Scott county so camping will not be the best. I would suggest that we plan a Saturday only
    deal if you want to keep something alive. I hope to communicate with Mike on Friday AM to discuss his convoy plans. WE are very sorry for the last minute change, but an emergency dictates a
    improvise, overcome and move on event. Please respond ASAP so I can get my Sxxx together.

    John and by proxy, Mike Dyer"

    So if you still wish to go, RSVP with John Bizal.
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