Open Streets at Penn Fest
Sunday, September 17
12:00 – 4:00pm
Penn Avenue, Richfield MN
We have Spot 26 just South of 72nd St and North of 73rd St on the West side of the Penn Ave!
Open Streets at Penn Fest has grown into a very large and exciting event! We are anticipating
over 100 attractions including local organizations and businesses.
Because of the large number of groups participating in our event, we ask that you read the
following information carefully to ensure a smooth set-up and successful event.
Penn Avenue will be closed from 11:00am-5:00pm from Crosstown to 76th St.
This means that you CANNOT drive on Penn Avenue after 11:00am at the major
intersections to get to your spot! Please use side streets.
Starting at 11:00am (no earlier!), you may access Penn Avenue from the side
streets to unload any supplies or equipment and you must have your vehicle off
of the street by noon. Please use only one vehicle to bring supplies in, this will
create less congestion.
Please refer to the map for your group’s assigned number and location. This
number will be painted on the street the day of the event to indicate where your
group will set up. The map is small so your location on the street may differ
slightly the day of the event!
We use spray chalk to mark assigned numbers on the street. If it is raining or if
the streets are wet, the chalk may not be very visible. If that’s the case, we ask
that all groups and businesses try their best to locate themselves according to
the attached map.
Please pay special attention to your location this year. We had to move some
things around to accommodate construction on Penn Avenue.
After unloading your supplies, park on a side street. There will not be parking
available in any lots on Penn Avenue. Please be aware of posted No Parking
signs on certain streets.
There will be volunteers stationed at some of the intersections to help direct
people to their locations.
Be sure to bring all needed supplies. Open Streets at Penn Fest organizers will
not be able to provide tables, chairs, tents, extension cords, etc.
If you are setting up a tent, please use weights to hold it down! Even the
slightest gust of wind can send your tent flying. Please do not drive stakes into
the pavement or set-up your tent on private property.
Electricity is not available!
Please keep your booth and activity to the outermost lane you are assigned to.
The inner two lanes of Penn will be kept open for pedestrians to walk, bike, etc.
We understand that some of the sports related activities may need more room.
Please make sure that when you are doing your sport or activity, that there is
room for pedestrians to pass through safely.
Please do not set up your booth or activity so that it blocks resident’s driveways
or street intersections. Some residents may need to access their driveways
during the event and our emergency service vehicles need access to all of the
Stay off of lawns and private property.
As people pass by, please encourage them to participate with you. This will be a
great time to showcase your group or business.
Open Streets at Penn Fest will end at 4:00pm. You may pull your vehicle onto
Penn Ave. at that time to load up your supplies. Please make sure you take
everything with you. Please clean up your area before you leave, garbage cans
will be on the street for you to use
The street is scheduled to re-open at 5:00pm. You must have everything off of
the street at that time.
Open Streets at Penn Fest is a rain or shine event. If it is raining, please use your
own discretion in participating.
If severe weather is an issue, please call our weather line at 612-861-9189 and
choose Special Events for any updates or changes.
Please share ALL of this information with everyone who may be participating
with your group so everyone knows where to go and how to get there!
Thank you for participating in Open Streets at Penn Fest! We appreciate your time
and commitment and hope that it is a positive experience for your group.
Any questions, please contact Ann Jindra, Richfield Recreation Supervisor,
612-861-9361 or