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  • Wednesday, June 12, 2024 8:43 PM | Anonymous member

    Be sure to watch your e-mail for the latest edition of the RBHMVA News letter - we need your feedback and also be sure to check out the events column and Web Page - we need YOU to sign up so we GET MORE PUBLIC EXPOSURE !

  • Wednesday, January 27, 2021 11:10 AM | Anonymous member

    I have revived my cell phone. P{lease call me at 612 802 1860.

    If I don't answer wait a minute or 2 and call again as I am not

    recovered  completely. Louie Larson

  • Friday, January 15, 2021 10:42 AM | Anonymous member

    I have received the cost to get our vehicles to the start of then 2021 Convoy

    Aberdean S.D.  $2700.00   9 vehicles x 300.00  We load them at my home

    in Bloomington. They will be in Aberdeen the next day.  I will have room for 3

    drivers in my chase vehicle (18 Jeep Grand Cherokee). Please contact me as

    soon as you can.

    952 888 6409 or

    My cell phone went through the wash machine and no longer will answer you.

    Louie Larson

  • Tuesday, January 05, 2021 10:57 AM | Anonymous member

    I am trying to arrange  for a truck to haul our vehicles to Aborden SD for the start

    of the 2021 MVPA convoy. If interested call me  @ 612 802 1860 (my cell#)

    It looks like we could haul 8 to 9 vehicles.

    List so far:

    Louie Larson (MB)

    Eric Thompson (M37)

  • Wednesday, December 09, 2020 10:19 AM | Anonymous member

    I have been home now for 6 months.  I still have to have therapy at home for walking.

    I use a cane in the shop and a walker outside .  The biggest problem I have is they

    took my drivers license away.  I can't drive my MB.  I could cry myself to sleep

    every night.  Anyway I am lucky to be alive today, thanks  to the Doctors/Nurses

    at the Mpls/VA hospital.  I have been busy in the shop doing repair work for many

    of my old customers.  I would love to have you come and visit me. If the shop 

    lights are on come in. (mask required .

  • Saturday, January 18, 2020 8:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Said to myself, if i get through this snow, I better get to the hospital, JUST in case!

    Look who we ran into.

    Louie said he is working on getting stronger.  Thankful for all the well wishes and for his Commander.  Who he loves very much.

    Louie, asked you all to take a part of your day to stop out.  he has plenty of magazines enjoys reading the neighborhood paper.  Please take time or make time to say hello.

    J&V the WEB Guy's


    PS:  He misses John C.,?

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2020 12:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What a good time plus, a RBHMVA Group update.  Minutes on the way.  Did you remember to send in your nomination for the new Board position?  Do it now! 

    Also, S.L., sent in the photos for the last event.  Check you inbox.

    Also, notice to pay 2020 dues out tomorrow.

    John G.,


    PS:  Member Looking for:

    42 GPW

     As far as the 42 GPW, I would like to put a Ford engine in it some day if I can find one.

    I have a January 45 Willys engine in it.  I need many parts for the Hercules JXD engine I am rebuilding for the Scout Car and lastly, need a 6 volt period correct voltage regulator.  Thanks for the assistance!

    M. H.

  • Monday, December 17, 2018 9:21 AM | Anonymous member

    The SPOONER YACHT CLUB annual meeting (2018 ) will be held this thursday Dec 20

    at the Legion on 63rd and Portland. This a lunch, xmas party, and most important

    election pf officers for the coming year. Wally has prepared a speech to excite our

    membership about the coming events.  

  • Friday, October 12, 2018 12:44 PM | Anonymous member


    See? I told you we'd do this!


    Still no camping. Except for Nathan the Jeepster (watch out for werewolves and land octopii). We are all old and weak.

    If you want to drive to casual dinner with that fabulous group known as Whomever-It-Is-What-Shows-Up, we will leave from Bizal's around 6:30 PM.


    Rolls and coffee show up around 8:00 AM. You?

    Sweet Shop excursion: estimated 10-10:30 AM departure for nearby Jordan. BRING CASH!!!!!!!! They do NOT accept credit cards! They DO have an ATM on site,

    Live fire auto weapons demo: estimated 10:00-10:30 AM. Bringing ear protection is a really good idea.

    Lunch is BYOP (bring your own picnic) @ Bizal's or drive into town for burgers and be back by 1:15 or so for...

    Afternoon convoy: approx. 1:30-5:30 PM with stops at a Punkin Patch and The Cidery in Jordan. Maps provided. We all remember last year...

    Chili cookout @ Bizal's starts @ 6-6:30 PM; please bring a dish to share (but you already have planned to do this, right?).

    WWII Searchlight and bonfire after dark, augmented by adult beverages (BYOB) and chill time with the troops.

    O 'Dark Thirty: drive safely home


    Breakfast is still likely but MAY NOT happen. Stay tuned. This was really designed for the campers, all who now will have gone home to watch Saturday Night Live.

    Feel free and welcome to stay or show up and help clean up!

  • Thursday, October 11, 2018 8:49 PM | Anonymous member


    1-No encampment Friday or this weekend!

    Too cold. Ground too damp. Campers too smart. So don’t come with your sleeping bag, hoping to score a hidey-hole in some one else’s tent.

    2-Friday night dinner is on! We will leave Bizal’s at 18:30 for somewhere close in cars, MVs, hovercraft, what have you. It will be casual and nearby. No other Friday night activities.

    3-Stay tuned for Saturday AM details re: what time coffee & rolls will be there and what time warm, toasty civilian cars will be driving to the Sweet Shop, and at what time will be the live-fire demo.

    4-And if you’re coming to the fun Chili Cookout on Saturday night around 18:00-18:30——BRING A DISH TO SHARE!!!!!! Don’t be a lame butt.

    Stay tuned Friday for more updates.

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