RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Car Shows in the Region (from the Twin Ports Mustang Ford Club)

Monday, April 16, 2018 8:11 AM | Deleted user


I thought it was about time I update everyone on what the Twin Ports Mustang & Ford Club is doing. Don’t forget to check out our web site calendar for other shows

Iin the area:


The club has a number of events coming up.

First, National Mustang Day is this coming Tuesday, April 17. We are hosting a Show ‘n Shine at Benna Ford from 6 – 8 p.m.

Despite the snow storm of today, the forecast is calling for sunny weather both Monday and Tuesday with temps in the mid-30s.

Hopefully, enough snow will melt, and we can bring and show our cars there.


Secondly, Saturday, April 21, we will be cruising to  Hayward  to celebrate the 54th birthday of the Mustang. Bob Raaflaub has 

set this up. Plans call for us to meet at the wayside rest are east of  Superior  and depart at 8:30 a.m. for  Lake   Nebagamon  where 

we will be having breakfast at the Village Inn. We will leave the restaurant about 10 a.m. and take  Cty Rd S  over  Stones

Bridge to Hwy 27 South and arriving at Timber Ford in  Hayward  between 11:30 a.m. and noon. Following that people 

will have time to visit the shops downtown and have lunch someplace like Norske Nook before heading home.


The club meeting will be Tuesday, April 24, 6 p.m. at Barker’s Waterfront Grill located at  300 Marina Dr.  in  Superior .  We will have our meeting

and then dine and socialize after.


We also have the following shows and cruises coming up. 


Spartan Hotrod Car Show will be Sunday, May 20, at the Kitchen Restaurant in  Superior . As always, our club has been asked to bring vehicles

to it.


Saturday, June 3, club member Dennis Little is coordinating with Feidler Ford in Grantsburg to have our club at its car show. Kim and I will probably go down the night before with our motor home.

If you are interested in going, please let me know.


Sunday, June 17, our Father’s Day All Ford Powered Car Show at the  Belknap   Plaza

            Our show will benefit the Spartan Hotrod Project this year.  


Link Bros. Car Show in  Minong ,  WI  will be Saturday, June 30.


Tuesday, August 21, at Benna Ford is the “Power on Tower” car show. We will be doing this car show instead of the  Bong   Center  car show.


We will also be cruising to Houston Ford in Pine River this July since we had to cancel last year due to the weather the weekend we were scheduled to go.


Others car shows that may be of interest:


Sunday, May 20The Southwest Metro Mustang Club’s All Ford Car Show at Apple Ford Shakopee.


May 28 – June 3, the Winged Warriors and DSAC National Meet will once again be in Duluth (this includes Cyclones and Torinos).


June 7 – 10, The Thunderbird North Central Region Convention and Car Show will be held in  Shorewood ,  MN .


June 18 -21, will be the 62nd annual Midwest Regional Your of the Horseless Carriage group in  Willmar ,  MN  (for vehicles 1915 and older).


Saturday, June 23, will be the Southwest Metro Mustang Club’s Ponies and Mustangs show at  Canterbury   Park .


Saturday, June 30, the Mopar Club is having their all-makes car show at Clyde Iron in  Duluth


Saturday, August, 11, will be the Southwest Metro Mustang Club’s American Muscle Show at the  Prior   Lake   High School  in Savage, MN.


Hope to see you at one of our upcoming events or meetings,


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