RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Minutes from General Assocaition Meeting (2018 Feb 24)

Sunday, February 25, 2018 7:28 AM | Deleted user

2-24-18 GMM

Richfield American Legion

MCTO at 10:00 AM by VP Landgraf,

Introduction of new officers,

  • President, Varner
  • VP, Steve Landgraf
  • Treasurer, Shelley Landgraf
  • Secretary, Lee Larson
  • Events, McCall

1) Treasurers Report, discussion. Motion to accept tres. Report, McCall, 2nd Louie, motion carried.

  • 501C3 annual update complete.
  • MVPA annual Ins. Complete.
  • Wild Apricot (webserver) annual complete.
  • Paypal annual complete.

2) Web Report, discussion.

3) Old Business.

  • Banner Quotes, Currie not present, tabled till next meeting!.
  • License Plates, No update.
  • T shirts (small order) no update.
  • Red Bull Event, No update

4) New Business,

  • Guerrero made contact with an armory in Bloomington, possible event site!, positive response.
  • Landgraf said the Camp Hastings group has lost the building they were to occupy at the event site and wanted to return 501C3 donation we gave them. Motion made by Lee L to keep the money and use on the Quonset hut restorations they are doing. 2nd by Louie L, motion carried.
  • Gary Worth report, still at Rochester Mayo undergoing the stem cell transplant process, has had a setback but back on track and will be there a few more weeks.
  • Steve Landgraf will give a Red Bull presentation to the Richfeild VFW about our organization!

5) Events,

  • The Fagan event will be WW2 vehicles ONLY, this will limit convoy to event participant’s, any newer rigs will have to park in general parking and not let onto event grounds for display.
  • Memorial day convoy route has not been set, several options on the table including metro parkway routes, or the Red Wing area.
  • Discussion on Legion convention, Gary Nelson will have info for the next meeting.
  • Flying Cloud event, we are welcome and will have our usual area, be there by 8 am to get in.
  • Several parades for the 4th of july, Afton, Edina, Richfeild, and other places, discussion on probably spreading out a little and not all go to one or two..
  • Check website for the New events schedule.

6) Next Meeting, 3rd or 4th Saturday in April at Wayne’s if he is willing, Lynn will be contacting him.

7) Motion to adjourn, Lee L, 2nd McCall, Motion carried.

Lee Larson

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