RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Edina 4th of July Parade (Additional Information)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017 9:04 AM | Deleted user

The 2017 Edina 4th of July Parade is almost here and we're excited to have the Red Bull Historic Vehicle Association as a part of it!

Your current position in the parade is Unit #6

Unit numbers will be marked on Willson Rd (which runs parallel to Hwy 100, south of the Edina City Hall).  Please check the Parade Line-Up list to see where your unit is to organize.

One major change from prior years - the Edina Community Center will not be available for staging.  We are asking our military vehicles and veterans to stage at the parking lot of Our Lady of Grace (5071 Eden Ave).  Please inquire with John Currie ( for more information.

The Parade begins at 10:00am on Tuesday, July 4th.  The route will end at the US Bank parking lot on 50th.  Please remember to keep your unit moving throughout the parade and through the US Bank parking lot at the end.  The 2016 Parade Line-Up has been attached to this email.  A map of available roads, the Parade route, will be made available closer to July 4th as we are continuously getting updates as to the current construction going on in Edina.

If you have questions the day of the Parade, please feel free to ask any of our volunteers (they'll have matching t-shirts with "Volunteer" on the back) for assistance.  Or find our Logistics Tent at the Edina Executive Building on Willson Rd.

In the meantime, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  We're excited to have you as part of Edina's 4th of July Parade!

Copyright © Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Assoc. 2000-2025