Event: Board of Directors Meeting
Date: 2018 Jan 30 Time: 1900
Location: American Legion Post 98 328 Broadway Ave St Paul Park, Minnesota 55071
Website: http://post98.org
Point of Contact: Lynn McCall lynn.mccall@gmail.com
Steve Landgraf rdking1199@yahoo.com
Location of Event: South East Metro
Style of Event: BoD Meeting
Remarks: BoD Officer Selections
2018 Jan 30 - BOD Meeting Agenda
1) Election of Officers.
President John Varner
Vice President Don Gunderson
Treasurer Shelly Landgraff
Secretary Lee Larson
Events Coordinator Lynn McCall
BOD as of 2-1- 18
John Varner 1-20 jvarnerhmv@gmail.com
Lee Larson 1-19 l_larson005@msn.com
Lynn McCall 1-19 lynn.mccall@gmail.com
Steve Landgraff 1-20 rdking1199@yahoo.com
Shelly Landgraff 1-19 pepperpaty12@yahoo.com
Steve Ellis 1-21 spejeep@gmail.com
John Currie 1-21 curriewrks@aol.com
Rick Opitz 1-21 ropee@comcast.net
2) If you cannot attend and want an Officer Position, please eMail Lee Larson.
3) Lee needs a check for $175made out to the MVPA for affiliate ins.
4) Do we have, Or Who is our News Letter Editor…… Discuss this year’s newsletter! (4)
5) Proposal for new way to order Red Bull T-Shirts (twice year order)
6) Any attentional Agenda Items, please contact Lee Larson.