RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Additional Memorial Day Weekend Convoy Information

Thursday, May 25, 2017 9:24 AM | Deleted user

Less than 48 hours to rally at one of the two assembly points. We hope to see you all make a great effort to come out and enjoy the day.

You can show with your own OD Green/Forrest Green/Dessert Tan HMV, if not we can find you a seat. Or we can all ways use photographers along the route!

Be sure to pack a picnic lunch and if you can please bring some spare fuel (in approved container, of course). I will be bringing some bottled CO2, for the tires if needed.

Dinner will going to be at the Smokin’ Oak Rotisserie & Grill ( ). The owner of the restaurant is going to rope off a number of parking places for us! So we a good count who will be sticking around for dinner, please let Steve know.

Roll on.

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