As usual John (Poof) Capin had a great plan, of a number of vehicles, rally at his farm, than convoy to the Watertown, WI airport. For the Armed Forces Day Military Vehicle/Airshow!
We had elements of the MMVA, Red Bulls and few local arrive at the Farm and rally up.
Vehicle types as follows:
M151A1, M35Ax [2.5 ton truck] & W/M105, M920 series w/special Marine Flat Bed [5 ton truck] & W/M105 and Como Shelter, M880 Ambulance, M37 with Como Shelter, CUCV II and a Jeep TJ in a military scheme.
We traveled down some the country roads, into Watertown proper. The local residences seem to enjoined seeing the line of vehicles, as we passed by.
Than arrived on the airport grounds and went to our assign area, to set up as a Static Display. Than a surprise came out of the back of the M105 trailer! The owner unload a M274 Mule and traveled around the various displays.
We departed around 1630, to head back to the farm, for food and meet and greet.